About Us

Herbal Export d.o.o.
Herbal Export is a small family company with more than 30 years of experience in processing and trade with medical herbs. It was founded in 1993, when the basic activity was the production of herbal tea, both in small bags as well as in packaging up to 1kg. trough it's existence, the variety of work has changed according to market conditions in Serbia, so recently, the company is oriented exclusively to collecting, processing and exporting of medical herbs and spices grown in the territory of Serbia.
With all the necessary attests and permissions, we can proudly say that we are one of the biggest legal exporters of medical herbs in Vojvodina.
The best quality results are being achieved with Mentha Piperita, as the whole production process is located in our near surrounding, which is the production centre of mint in Serbia.
All the herbs are delivered dried, followed with chemical and microbiological analyzes of competent institutions.
Up to now, we have had exported only to the EU and we never had any complaints on quality, deadlines or contracted quantities.
Products we trade with:
Mentha piperita (Mint, Menta/Nana)
Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile, Kamilica)
Malva sylvestris (Mallow, Crni slez)
Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow, Beli slez)
Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm, Maticnjak/Metvica)
Allium ursinum (Ramson, Medvedji luk/Sremus)
Lavandula officinalis.(Lavender, Lavanda)
And other upon request…